Web News

Tech We Love as Web Developers: SvelteKit, Vercel, Supermaven, and More

September 10, 2024
September 24, 2024
Episode Number:

There is a lot of tech out there! It seems every day someone is coming out with a new way to edit images, use AI, build websites, assist developers, and the list goes on and on. This week, Matt and Mike decided to zoom in and discuss some of the tech that they enjoy using at the moment including Svelte/SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, Supermaven, and much more! The technologies that web developers change all the time - and not always obvious things like frameworks and plugins, but also more logistical elements of the job like where to host, compress images, etc. What are you using in your projects?


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Show Notes


  • Talk about the web development tech we are using and liking at the moment
  • We’ll also talk about hardware we’re using and liking

Web Development Tech

  • Svelte/SvelteKit: Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that compiles components at build time, resulting in highly efficient, minimalistic web apps. SvelteKit is the full-stack framework built on top of Svelte, offering an integrated experience with routing, server-side rendering, and much more.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build responsive and customizable designs directly in your HTML. Tailwind makes it easy to style applications without leaving your markup, offering a highly composable and efficient way to design.
  • ShadCN: A component library that integrates with Tailwind CSS, offering a rich collection of prebuilt components and UI elements. It's designed to help developers quickly assemble professional UIs while maintaining flexibility.
  • tRPC: A powerful TypeScript library for building fully-typed APIs without needing to write boilerplate code. It lets you define your API and client types once and ensures end-to-end type safety between your backend and frontend.
  • Prisma: An ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool for Node.js and TypeScript that simplifies database interactions. Prisma provides a type-safe way to work with databases, ensuring you can query and update data easily without worrying about SQL syntax.
  • Supermaven: A AI powered auto-complete tool for your IDE that is known for it’s speed and contextual awareness of your codebase.
  • Vercel: A cloud platform built for front-end developers to deploy websites and web applications with ease. Vercel integrates seamlessly with modern JavaScript frameworks like Next.js and SvelteKit, enabling fast, serverless deployment and global CDN distribution.
  • Visual No-Code Site Builders (ie Elementor, Webflow, Wix Studio) - Help agencies (such as ours) work quickly on projects that have small budgets and tight timelines. They're often equipped with methods of allowing the user to edit on their own either visually or via a CMS
  • Honorable mentions
    • BeeKeeper: Database management App


Michael LaRocca