Googling Is a Crucial Skill for Developers

July 21, 2021
September 9, 2021
September 7, 2021

Sometimes people think that Googling things constantly makes their job so easy that anyone could do it, or that it proves that they don't know what they're talking about. This negative connotation can be a real problem for those learning how to code, forcing them to needlessly review concepts they've already learned over and over again just to memorize them. It can also crush a developer's confidence in applying to more senior positions because they "just keep looking stuff up." In reality, the tech field just has way too much complexity, and too many moving parts to keep track of it all. Modern websites often rely on more than one framework, plugin, tool, or third-party service to stay up and running. There's just no way you can be a master of all things React, Vue, Svelte, React Native, Angular, Webflow, OctoberCMS, CouchCMS, and the list goes on...and on. Googling is not on a necessity, but also a skill that you should work on improving each time you use it.

Remember, that as a developer, nobody cares how many times you had to Google something, or how many times you had to refer to the documentation - they only care about how to solve the problem!

In this week's episode, we dive into the importance of Googling, why it is such an important skill, and why you should wear it as a badge of honour. Check your podcast app, or click the button below and listen now!

Written by...
Matt Lawrence

When I'm not tinkering with websites and servers, I'm gaming it up....or writing something

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